If in our garage we have installed a door with quality materials, mechanisms of good manufacturers, and we carry adequate maintenance, we can have the security that we will have operational door for quite some time.
But logically with its prolonged use over the years, or if we have skimped on quality and maintenance, we must be attentive to a series of signals that can warn us that the time has come to change our door. And not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for our own safety, since a bad door could cause a serious accident.
The indications to which we should pay special attention are as follows:
- Close too fast or too slow. You need a quick review, as it can cause damage to vehicles or pedestrians if you act too fast, or allow unwanted people in if their closure takes too long.
- Recurring breakdowns. If there are any mechanisms or components that repeatedly cause problems, even though it is replaced, you may be indicating that the assembly has fulfilled its use.
- Obvious signs of wear and tear. Such as dents or cracks in the panels, they may have deteriorated the interior and made it not meet the minimum safety requirements.
- Unwanted noises. It’s perhaps the most obvious symptom of mechanical problem. And if it is not solved after a thorough, lubricated review of the mechanisms, we will have to consider replacing them.
At Accesso 1 we are specialists in the maintenance and replacement of garage doors. Check with us!